
Showing posts from January, 2022

Family and Culture

Hello, I hope you had a great week! This week we discussed cultural differences in relation to the family. There were a lot of eye-opening insights and things I hope will be meaningful to share.  When we first hear the word "culture" most of us think of things such as art, literature, music, clothing, traditions, achievements etc. But I want to focus on the definition that describes it as attitudes and behavioral characteristics of a certain social group. I think this is quite interesting to be able to look at different areas or groups of people and see how culture affects the way they view family and the traditions of families. Family cultures look different across the world and from all different backgrounds.  A point I would specifically like to talk about that stood out to me and that I found to be very interesting was that under stress, we will always revert to what is familiar. The base of the word familiar itself is FAMILY. I don't know why I had never recogniz...

Roles and Boundaries within the Family

Hello and happy weekend! I am excited to get to talk today about some things that we discussed in class this week including the roles we all play within our families and also healthy boundaries. My hope is that in reading this, you can think of some ways to improve your own family relations and set healthy boundaries in your relationships.  To start off, I want to discuss roles within the family. In  The Family Proclamation , we are taught about these roles. " The family is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity. Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and who...

Families & Their Purpose

 Hello! To start off the first official post regarding family relations, I would like to share some thoughts and discussion points from class this week that I really loved: In today's day and age, the importance of family is diminishing. Whether it is people deciding to not have children, shifting values, delayed marriage, or a shift in purpose and focus in life, it has become very apparent that the importance of family is becoming less common. There are many different reasons behind this, and I want to discuss some of the common fears or ideologies that are presented in the world today:  - Many people have different ideas and definitions of what it means to be successful, but there are many who choose to measure it by wealth, independence, or having a successful and meaningful career. I personally think that while those are not always bad things necessarily, that is not as fulfilling of a life as some like to think it is. I have heard stories and experiences where people focu...

Classmate Blogs Family ( Family Relations ( ht...

Family Relations Blog

  Hello! My name is Olivia Snell and this is my first time ever blogging. This blog will be filled with insights and things that I learn while in my Family Relations course and I am excited to learn and share it with others!