Families & Their Purpose
Hello! To start off the first official post regarding family
relations, I would like to share some thoughts and discussion points from class
this week that I really loved:
In today's day and age, the importance of family is diminishing. Whether it
is people deciding to not have children, shifting values, delayed marriage, or
a shift in purpose and focus in life, it has become very apparent that the
importance of family is becoming less common. There are many different reasons behind
this, and I want to discuss some of the common fears or ideologies that are
presented in the world today:
- Many people have different ideas and definitions of what it means to be
successful, but there are many who choose to measure it by wealth,
independence, or having a successful and meaningful career. I personally think
that while those are not always bad things necessarily, that is not as
fulfilling of a life as some like to think it is. I have heard stories and
experiences where people focused so much of their life on being successful,
becoming wealthy, having a big career, and chasing the high life, but delay
family and marriage until later down the road when having a family of their own
may no longer be an option. Many find that this lifestyle leads them to feeling
lonely and longing to have people to share experiences with. Our families can
be a source of support, comfort, and happiness, and without them, life can be lonely.
- Common fears among many young adults include fear of commitment, divorce,
"bringing children into a cruel world," and previous traumatic family
experiences. These fears have led to more single adults living alone, a loss of
value in families, and more couples deciding to not have children. Children of
divorce know how hard it can be and may fear putting their future children in
that same situation. Marriage can seem daunting because many fear not choosing
the right person and future divorce.
- There are people that see marriage and family as time consuming, costly,
and takes energy. People nowadays are not as willing to put forth time, energy,
and even money towards important things like family.
- Family connection has diminished over the years.
In the world we live in today, the value of family has shifted to focusing
on living an adventurous or successful life. Whether it be travels, careers,
wealth, being independent and "living your best life" there are so
many comments being made on not letting a family tie you down or hold you back
from living your life. This is something I would disagree with. I think that
while travelling, having a good career, and independence are not all bad, those
are not always the things that will create a fulfilling life. Marriage and
families will add so much meaning and fulfillment in our lives. They play such
an important role and are a basic unit of society. It is how the future
generations are brought up and it affects the world. Families are so valuable
and an essential and central part of Heavenly Father's plan for all of
Many of the fears people have regarding marriage, commitment, divorce, and
having children are understandable. These are many of the same fears I have
had too. The idea of marriage and family seems overwhelming, but I know that God
loves us and wants us to have families to bring purpose, love, and ultimately
JOY into our lives. Sometimes moving forward and making these big steps is scary
and we fear the unknown, but when we look to Heavenly Father and turn to Him
through prayer, we will be able to manage the challenges that come our way and
we will have someone there to help us every step of the way. I know that when
we honor and value the things that are important, it will bless our lives.
As the world continues to change and shift in values, one of the things that
should remain is the value and importance of family. When “The Family: A
Proclamation to the World” was released in 1995, the world had the same values
and standards. However, now we see how much that has changed. This proclamation
helps us to understand our role in families and just how divinely created
families are. Diminishing and redefining family away from the ideal structure
of a loving mother and father raising kids will not provide the best
environment for children to grow up in. This life was intended for us to learn,
grow, and become like God together with our families. My hope is that we do not
lose sight of that or lose sight of all the love and joy that families can
bring into our lives.
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